Counsel - significado y definición. Qué es Counsel
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Qué (quién) es Counsel - definición


·noun Result of consultation; advice; instruction.
II. Counsel ·vt To advise or recommend, as an act or course.
III. Counsel ·noun A secret opinion or purpose; a private matter.
IV. Counsel ·noun Deliberate purpose; design; intent; scheme; plan.
V. Counsel ·noun Interchange of opinions; mutual advising; consultation.
VI. Counsel ·vt To give advice to; to advice, admonish, or instruct, as a person.
VII. Counsel ·noun Examination of consequences; exercise of deliberate judgment; prudence.
VIII. Counsel ·noun One who gives advice, especially in legal matters; one professionally engaged in the trial or management of a cause in court; also, collectively, the legal advocates united in the management of a case; as, the defendant has able counsel.
1) n. a lawyer, attorney, attorney-at-law, counsellor, counsellor-at-law, solicitor, barrister, advocate or proctor (a lawyer in admiralty court), licensed to practice law. In the United States they all mean the same thing. 2) v. to give legal advice. 3) v. in some jurisdictions, to urge someone to commit a crime, which in itself is a crime. See also: attorney
I. n.
Consultation, interchange of opinion.
Advice, opinion, suggestion, recommendation, instruction, admonition, caution.
Deliberation, forethought.
Design, plan, scheme, purpose.
Counsellor, lawyer, barrister, advocate.
II. v. a.
Advise, admonish, give advice to.



A counsel or a counsellor at law is a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters. It is a title often used interchangeably with the title of lawyer.

The word counsel can also mean advice given outside of the context of the legal profession.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Counsel
1. general counsel.
The Rare Find _ George Anders _ Talks at Google
2. of counsel--
Innocence Project _ Barry Scheck & Kevin Richardson _ Talks at Google
3. of counsel.
Innocence Project _ Barry Scheck & Kevin Richardson _ Talks at Google
4. without counsel.
Agents of the Internet Apocalypse _ Wayne Gladstone _ Talks at Google
5. to these guys' counsel.
Betaball _ Erik Malinowski _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Counsel
1. His White House counsel disagreed. (The counsel at the time?
2. Office of Special Counsel and as general counsel to the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
3. For example, incoming White House counsel Greg Craig is taking the office of outgoing counsel Fred Fielding, who took it over from Clinton‘s counsel.
4. As deputy counsel for the Senate ethics committee for six years and chief counsel for six more, Wilson R.
5. Spaulding, a former Senate intelligence committee general counsel and CIA assistant general counsel who is now a national security consultant.